
My journey....

First of all, I'd like to tell you that this year is very important for me...

Because I turned 22.

It's same age as my sister. She pass away when she was 22.

So....on my birthday, I was nervous to be 22.

But I determined to do something big this year.

And today, I decided to study to be a Japanese teacher.

Last night, my mom told me about being a Japanese teacher.

And I thought if i have a qualification for that, I can work all over the world.

And also, this is gonna be a good chance to learn my language more.

This morning, I called them and made a appointment to meet them.

I went there this afternoon, and you know I talked to them....and blah blah blah...

I found out that if I want to go to school October or January, I have to make a decision.

Today was closing date...

After I came home, I talked to my parents and they loved the idea.

Recently I was searching school for study massage. But I could't find one that I want to go.

I am not giving up to go to school for study massage.

But just not now!!  :]

I never thought I will study to be a Japanese teacher.

But I'm sure that it's gonna be very good for me and my future.

Only thing I care about is....me and Zac's relationship.

If i go to school , we cannot see each other very often...maybe....once in the year...., also we cannot talk very much on skype either.

I gonna miss him so so so so sooooooo much. :'(

But I believe that our relationship is so strong. we will be fine....<3

♫Don't stop believing  ♫



that's all!!!

I decided to go to school in Japan :]

Wish me luck :P


2 件のコメント:

  1. Good luck sweetheart, if you need anything, anything at all i'm always here to help you. :]

  2. aw thank you so much :] and same things for you too!! if you need anything, i will always help you :]


day 3 乗っちゃいけなかったのに、乗っちゃった♫ そして謎のパスタとの対面…w

Day 3  旅行3日目の出来事…! 「移動日」です!! マルティニから電車でサンモリッツ(St. Moritz)へ!!! 予定では、だいたい7時間か8時間くらいの電車の旅 けっこう長いなぁ と思っていたけど 実際はそうでもなかった(^0^)...