
Happy Halloween !!!

Hello :] Long time no see!!

I've been very busy for study Japanese! and I had to take a huge exam on Oct 28th.

So yup.... I was study.

While I was study, I was soooo looking forward Halloween !!

Because my best friend and I decided to go to Tokyo Disneyland on Oct 30th.

We can dressed up like Disney character. (but they had some rule to follow)

and me and my best friend decided to be......Chip 'n' Dale!!!!

we are both pretty short and same link.

so we couldnt think anything to be but Chip 'n' Dale.

my mother made our costume!!!!

And that was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she is the best!!

and of course,

We had sooooooo much fun!!!

And so many people asked us to take a picture with.

yeah.....we felt like we are star! LOL

its good experience to be famous! haha

And also, there was so many people dressed up like a disney character !!!!


I hope everyone had a great Halloween :]

Dale was thirsty!haha

met Dale :D so cute! 


me & bestie  :] 

also, I have a video on Youtube! 

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sn-D7vtsz-M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Happy Halloween !!!!


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